22nd Jun 2022

Track Youtube embedded videos with YT API

I recently had to track multiple embeded YT videos on a page.
The idea is simple: use the YouTube API to catch events coming from from the iframes, and trigger functions on such events.
However, I found a couple of gotchas along the way and I had to work around them.

The following snippet allows you to fire functions on video player state change, for both regular and lazy loaded YT embeds.
Hopefully it saves you (or future me) some time.

const trackYTembeds = () => {
  const iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe")

  if (!iframes.length) return

  // Filter YT iframes
  const ytIframes = Array.from(iframes).map((iframe) => {
    //Check src if normal iframe
    if (iframe.src && iframe.src.match(/youtube(-nocookie)?.com\/embed/i)) return iframe
    //check dataset if lazy loaded
    if (
      iframe.dataset?.src &&
      return iframe

  if (!ytIframes.length) return

  // Load the Youtube JS api (to catch messages coming from the iframes)
  const tag = document.createElement("script")
  const firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]
  tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"
  tag.async = true
  firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScript)

  window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = () => {
    // Init tracking for each Youtube video
    ytIframes.forEach((iframe) => {
      let srcOrigin = iframe.src || iframe.dataset.src
      // Allow the use of the API on the iframe
      if (!srcOrigin.match(/enablejsapi=1/i)) {
        srcOrigin = `${srcOrigin}${
          srcOrigin.match(/\?/i) ? "&" : "?"

      // Modify the original url source so it will stay in sync for all attributes
        ? (iframe.dataset.src = srcOrigin)
        : (iframe.src = srcOrigin)

      // Fix src attribute in lazyloadedn YT iframes (issue: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes/issues/529)
      if (iframe.dataset.src) iframe.src = iframe.dataset.src

      // ID attribute is needed by the YouTube API to find the player
      iframe.id = iframe.src

      // Init a JS player to execute functions on video state changes
      new window.YT.Player(iframe.id, {
        events: {
          onStateChange: handlePlayerStateChange,

  const handlePlayerStateChange = (e) => {
    const playerStatus = e.data

    switch (playerStatus) {
      case 1: // Playing
        alert("Video playing")

      case 2: // Paused
      case 0: // Ended
        alert("Video paused or ended")