GLSL Shaders
This is a list of older GLSL shaders I've made over the last year, in no particular order.
They all run in a WebGL context, all the ones not hosted on ShaderToy are run via Three.js.
Step Perlin Noise
An implementation of perlin noise (by Stefan Gustavson), combined with a step function to force the pixels to be black or white.
UV Color Sampling
An attempt at using UV coordinates values for pixel colors, and a step on a wave function for the shape.
Rough Sea
Raiging sea effect created by applying vertex and fragment shaders with noise to a plane geometry in ThreeJS.
Fractal Drop
Fragment shader using fractals and SDFs to create a 'dancing' texture.
Fractal Brownian Motion
Using fractal brownian motion noise to generate an ever changing smooth texture.
Image Pixelator
Image pixelation tool powered by a fragment shader.
Block Sampling Texture
Using custom texture sampling to distort an image into a grid of blocks.
Color Layering
Multiple texture sampling instances to individually source R G B colors and displace them separately.